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Warning Signs Of Erectile Dysfunction

Introduction And Causes Of ED Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED or impotence, is the most prevalent sex problem among men, affecting 30 million of them. ED describes the condition as a failure to start and retain a penis erection, especially during sexual nature acts. It is one of the warning signs of erectile dysfunction.  ED is caused by physical and mental conditions. Physical risks involve a high blood sugar level, and mental causes could be anxiety, depression, or relationship conflicts.  Occasionally encountering erections issues is not a total cause for alarm, but when the signs of ED constantly become present, it can cause more complications. It can trigger stress, lower a man’s self-esteem, and cause a disturbance in their relationships. It could also be an indicator of other concealed conditions.   These are the reasons why signs of erectile dysfunction should not be disregarded.  Warning Signs Of ED  One of the first signs is less frequent erections during night time and early mornings, informally known as “morning wood.” Although not linked to aroused sensations, they are caused by the brain’s fewer production of noradrenaline hormones during sleep, hormones that constantly prevent the erection from occurring.  Recurring “wood” is a sign of healthy blood vessels that release blood flow to the penis. It means less frequent erections signify that one’s blood vessels are not working as intended.  High cholesterol and blood pressure are also signs of erectile dysfunction. They impair those blood vessels and lose their elastic nature, which in turn, impede the mentioned blood flow to the organ.  The consumption of medications for high blood pressure and antidepressants can cause the signs of erectile dysfunction. Antidepressants impede norepinephrine, a hormone that triggers aroused sensations to travel to the brain.  Blood pressure medication, while they lower the level of blood pressure, could lessen the blood flow from the arteries of the heart to the penis. It poses difficulty in retaining an erection.  More signs of ED involve a noticeable change in an erection’s occurrence, particularly during sex. Sleep deprivation dramatically lowers testosterone levels and gives one stress or anxiety, which minimizes libido and maximizes the risk to ED.  Medical afflictions, such as kidney diseases, can also cause repercussions to levels of hormones, circulation of blood, and energy. One of the signs of erectile dysfunction is it lowers a man’s enthusiasm towards sex.  While men with kidney afflictions may recoup that enthusiasm through curing the conditions, not all men with problems in that organ will experience signs of erectile dysfunction.  Conclusion When one is already experiencing erectile dysfunction signs, it’s ideal that they undergo a doctor’s consultation.  In some cases, the cure may be a change in the consumption of some prescribed medications, impeding the ability to gain an erection. If it has been discovered that ED is being caused by a concealed condition, a doctor’s diagnosis and treatment may be the cure.  Those could include the measurement of blood pressure, testosterone levels, or cholesterol. Doctors might also offer ED medications such as Cialis, Levitra, or Viagra, when erectile dysfunction signs are present. 

Managing Erectile Dysfunction- The Tips And Tricks

Overview Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to have and keep an erection firm for sexual activity. Men are having a hard time in managing erectile dysfunction, yet there are tips and tricks for the ED condition.  It is normal for men to have erection trouble sometimes. Having this situation isn’t a primary cause of concern as occasional ED is very common, especially during stressful times. However, frequent ED is an issue. Ongoing erectile dysfunction can be a sign of health problems that might need medication or treatment.  A study by Cleveland Clinic in 2019 revealed that 1 in 10 men is thought to have erectile dysfunction at some point in his life. Moreover, according to research by the International Journal of Impotence Research, 322 million men are expected to suffer from erectile dysfunction by 2025.   Men with ED usually suffer from unsatisfactory sex life, anxiety and depression, and low self-esteem. It doesn’t mean the end for men with ED as there may be ways to manage erectile dysfunction.  To find ways to manage erectile dysfunctions, we must first determine the possible causes of erectile dysfunctions.  Causes Erectile dysfunction primarily happens when hampering blood flows to the penis, it would help make it rigid and firm. However, other causes may result in erection trouble.  Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical issues such as clogged blood vessels (also known as atherosclerosis), resulting from vascular diseases, diabetes, or neurological diseases. It may also be caused by prostate-related injuries, surgeries, or treatments.  Erectile dysfunction can also result from untreated medical problems, pornography use, or it can happen as a side effect of a particular medication.  Moreover, what makes managing erectile dysfunction harder is that it may be caused by a combination of physical diseases and psychological symptoms like too much stress and too much tobacco and alcohol intake.  While the cause of ED may be complex, there are a number of tips in managing erectile dysfunction.  Managing Erectile Dysfunction Lose Weight A research made in 2014 by Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski revealed that 79% of men who experience erectile dysfunction are overweight. Moreover, it showed that diabetes and obesity are among the primary causes of the 8 million cases of erectile dysfunction.  Obesity increases the risks for vascular diseases, leading to erectile dysfunction due to obstruction in the blood vessels. Moreover, it can also result in diabetes, which is also one of the major causes of erectile dysfunction.  Losing weight can help in managing erectile dysfunction as it reduces the risks of having clogged blood vessels.  Avoid Smoking According to The Journal of Sexual Medicine, smoking cigarettes and using drugs are common in younger men with ED.  According to WebMD’s article, smokers are about twice as likely to have erectile dysfunction as men who do not smoke as tobacco use can obstruct blood flow to the penile artery.  One way of managing erectile dysfunction is by quitting smoking. Quitting smoking can result in better blood circulation as no tobacco usage can restrict blood circulation to areas of the body, including the penis, which makes it easier to get and keep it firm enough for sex.  Eat Right Managing erectile dysfunction can be as easy as eating healthy foods such as fruits, fish, and vegetables as some foods have shown progress in treating ED.  A review from PubMed Central linked ED and proper diet. The review revealed that men who eat a Mediterranean diet, which suggests consumption of plant-based foods and fish, and avoid high meat intake, are less likely to ED.  Managing erectile dysfunction may also entail avoiding foods that are high in cholesterol. As much as possible, avoid foods made with added sugar and high in trans fat. These may contribute to the obstruction of blood flow in the blood vessels, resulting in a hard time keeping the penis erection firm.  Exercise Regularly As erectile dysfunction is primarily caused by arterial dysfunction, physical activity can help manage erectile dysfunction as exercising aids in blood circulation. One study revealed that a weekly exercise for six months contributes to decreased erection trouble in men with ED.  One type of exercise men can do is aerobic exercises, which should be at least 40 minutes. It can include a series of activities like running, brisk walking, and cycling. These exercises can improve one’s cardiovascular health, which can reduce risk factors associated with ED.   Another type of exercise that helps manage erectile dysfunction are kegel exercises as it helps strengthen the muscles in men’s pelvic floor. Kegel exercises specifically target the bulbocavernosus muscle, which is the muscle responsible for erection as it allows the penis to be filled with blood during an erection.  They help a man’s erection trouble, but Kegel exercises can also help solve common urinary problems.  Manage Pornography Use Sometimes erectile dysfunction can not be caused by biological factors but is rather situational. One of the things to consider when having situational erectile dysfunctions is one’s porn use, as it may set unrealistic expectations for partners during sexual intercourse.  One tip in managing erectile dysfunction is to consider masturbating without the aid of pornographic materials from the Internet.  According to the survey findings presented at the American Urological Association’s meeting, men addicted to porn are more likely to get and have erectile dysfunction. They are less likely to create the same arousal level they achieved when watching pornography via the Internet. Their tolerance in porn is making them less responsive to real-life stimuli.Not all tips work the same for the others. While it is good to know tips in managing erectile dysfunction, it is always better to consult your doctor for better ways of dealing with erection trouble.

Porn And Erectile Dysfunction: The Link Between The Two

Many people ask if porn and erectile dysfunction are linked together nowadays. Let us see if it is true or just a myth.  Erectile dysfunction or ED, in short, is a condition that limits to maintain or get a full erection during sexual intercourse. It can occur occasionally, or sometimes can be a permanent issue.  Many reasons can cause erectile dysfunction; this may be a psychological or physical issue. It may include depression, anxiety, or poor health. Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual conditions most men experience and is very distressing. Porn and ED are linked, especially those groups of people who have qualms about pornography, saying that ED is caused by watching too much porn. Some other studies suggest that pornography might help in erectile dysfunction, especially when ED is due to psychological or relationship concerns. The research and study about porn and erectile dysfunction are often mixed; however, many studies support the connection between porn and ED in a bad or good way.  Many studies suggest that porn leads to erectile dysfunction, while other studies suggest that porn can help people suffering from erectile dysfunction. Porn May Be Related To Bigger Increases In ED Gunter De Win, MD, Ph., and Antwerp University Hospital-UZA performed a study on the association between porn and ED; this study finds that the connection between the two is much stronger. The research team has defined porn addiction by using specific, validated cyberporn addiction scores among their participants, consisting of eleven questions. It was found out that 45 percent of the age group below 35 with a high porn addiction score have erectile dysfunction. Also, men who feel guilty watching porn may develop and struggle with erectile dysfunction because of this guilt. Due to this guilt, a belief that pornography is wrong, especially of the religious or groups of people who have qualms about pornography, may become real. Porn And Erectile Dysfunction In A Good Way Barbara D. Bartlik, MD, psychiatrist, and Weill Cornell Medical College said that pornography could help people get over their sexual anxiety and get past their apprehensions. Watching porn with their partner under agreeable conditions can help improve the intimacy of the couple. Some studies suggest there is a positive association between porn and ED. Pornography can help with ED, especially if erectile dysfunction is because of psychological or relationship issues.  An article was released in 2014, saying that scientific studies and research seldom discuss porn and ED. The link between the two significantly impacts the lucrative industry, even with the lack of scientific evidence to support the link. A study in 2015 in a laboratory setting found that men who have greater sexual responsiveness to their partner are reported to have more time spent viewing pornography. These studies suggest that pornography may help prime and ready the brain and body for sexual intercourse, making men improve their sexual performance with their partner. Conclusion Many studies suggest good and bad links between porn and ED.Some studies and research may suggest that porn can lead to erectile dysfunction while other studies and research publishes that porn can help with erectile dysfunction. It is important to note that the research and studies about the association of porn and ED are very limited and preliminary.

Myth Vs Facts : Does Bicycle Riding Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Introduction Erectile dysfunction is a condition wherein men can’t maintain an erection during sexual intercourse with their partner. However, this kind of condition affects the relationship between partners. When it comes to bicycling myths, nothing comes close to this which causes erectile dysfunction among men, especially to older men, since bicycling is one of the known activities older men like to do as part of their day. But it seems that there is some truth over these myth vs. facts scenario, in which we will look in further detail today. The Facts According to a study done by experts, it seems that there is a valid fact that will put a huge dent to the myth vs. facts debate over this matter, as they have found out that bike riding in certain scenarios can severely damage the nerves and ultimately compress the penis’ arteries that can result into erectile dysfunction in the end. The people who ride their bikes usually for more than 3 hours a day are at risk of having this dysfunction on their male genitals. What Causes This? Another fact bomb that destroys the myth status of these popular myth vs. facts debate is that the bike’s seat design may cause the said disease, as the perineum is constantly under pressure, which is the area between the genitals and the anus. Having this kind of pressure can damage the nerves located in the penis, which results in slow blood flow that further results in a tingling sensation or numbness, which will eventually lead to erectile dysfunction (ED). However, There Is A Catch! You might be on board now on the facts side of the myths vs. facts debacle, but hold your horses as there is another study done that will change your mind about bicycling being a serious problem as a source of ED or even infertility on men. Another study has been done regarding this to confirm that the act of cycling itself doesn’t pose a major threat for men having ED or infertility, but instead on the designs of the parts of the bicycle that one is using for their bicycling activity. Listed below are those said designs of the bike that may cause ED: Saddle Shape – having an improper seat design can damage the penis, leading to ED. One should get a properly-shaped and wide enough seat that is comfortable to avoid this issue. Handlebar Height – making sure that this part of the bike design’s height is in a parallel height or lower than the saddle to avoid having damages to the penis while using the bike itself. Bike Type – having the proper bike design for you is essential in keeping your penis away from being in a tight spot while cycling, in order to avoid damage during the said activity. Having a laid-back reclining position design over the traditional upright bike design is better in this case. Conclusion The issue between the battle of the myth vs. facts seems to result in a draw, as both sides of the debate have reasonable backing. 

Supplements For Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or ED, also known as impotence, is when a man cannot achieve or maintain an erection during intercourse. This condition is not uncommon to men. Many have experienced it during a time of stress. It can be considered as a concern if satisfaction from sexual performance has been made impossible for several times. Most men who experience this may be hesitant to see a doctor, which can be an embarrassing issue. Here are the dietary supplements for erectile dysfunction.  Causes Erectile dysfunction may be caused by different health problems such as complications with the blood flow, nerve supply, and hormones. Naturally, men above the age of 50 can have some problems with erection. Some physical risk factors include diabetes or high blood sugar, cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol, smoking, drug abuse, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, and lack of exercise. However, there are also emotional factors that can influence impotence. These factors are depression, anxiety, relational problems, stress, and guilt caused by sex performance. In short, erection problems are typically caused by stress, weariness, anxiety, or too much alcohol intake. If it often occurs, physical or emotional problems may have caused it, and professional help must be sought after. Symptoms Symptoms of erectile dysfunction may include having a hard time getting and maintaining an erection and decreasing desire for sex. Supplements For Erectile Dysfunction Standard treatments for erectile dysfunction include medications, and many people prefer natural options, which can be in the form of dietary supplements. Some dietary supplements for erectile dysfunction are: Panax ginseng Also known as the herbal Viagra, Panax ginseng has been research-approved since 2008, where it was found out that there was a signifying proof for its effectiveness in treating erectile dysfunction. This herb is known to possess anti-inflammatory components and improves lung function and blood flow, which may reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. However, side effects may include insomnia, headaches, and vertigo, but overall, its usage appears to be safe when consumed on a short-term basis. Dehydroepiandrosterone Supplements DHEA or dehydroepiandrosterone is a hormone in the body that is produced by the adrenal glands. It can be processed into either estrogen or testosterone. DHEA supplements are dietary supplements for erectile dysfunction that are made from wild yam or soy. Certain pieces of evidence show that it increases libido in women and aids in treating erectile dysfunction in men. Rhodiola Rosea In a particular research, 26 out of 35 men who were given 150 to 200 mg of Rhodiola Rosea every day for three months experienced considerably improved sexual performance. This herb is also known to increase energy and reduce fatigue. L-arginine Research shows that taking relatively high doses of L-arginine helps improve erectile dysfunction by encouraging blood vessels to open wider to improve the body’s blood flow. However, certain side effects may take place like nausea, cramps, and diarrhea, so it is best not to take this herb together with viagra. Acupuncture A research conducted in 1999 explained that acupuncture improved the quality of erections among men participants and restored sexual activity of 39% of the participants.  Another study in 2003 suggested that 21% of patients with erectile dysfunction who underwent acupuncture had improved erections.  Although this may impose minimal risks, they may be reduced if performed by a licensed acupuncturist. Sildenafil This supplement for erectile dysfunction is prescribed to increase the blood flow to the penis during sexual stimulation, which may then cause an erection. Propionyl-L-carnitine Research shows that this supplement, when combined with Viagra, might produce better results for erectile function than sildenafil alone. Its usage is typically safe when used under medical supervision. Zinc Supplements Erectile dysfunction has been identified as a symptom of the body’s deficiency in zinc, decreasing the male body’s ability to produce testosterone. 11 milligrams of zinc every day is known to be an ideal amount for an adult male to consume, while women are advised to limit zinc consumption to 8 mg-a-day. Ashwagandha This supplement for erectile dysfunction is an evergreen shrub that grows in the Middle East, parts of Africa, and India, which has become a typical form of treatment for sexual drive loss. It has been proven to increase the levels of testosterone in men significantly. Research in 2013 even showed that ashwagandha had enlivened the testosterone level of infantile men as well. Aside from that, this shrub is also known to decrease stress levels by constraining cortisol growth, which helps keep the testosterone levels ideal for sexual functioning. Yohimbe This supplement for erectile dysfunction is derived from the bark of an African tree called the Yohimbe. Although some researchers have suggested that it has shown helpful effects on sexual performance, the American Urological Association does not entirely recommend this supplement for erectile dysfunction treatment because of its side effects’ possible damage to health. Such side effects include increased blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and anxiety. Conclusion After all, upon recognizing the symptoms of ED, it is important to first consult a doctor before resorting to the usage of dietary supplements for erectile dysfunction because this complication might only be a sign of other health symptoms. Treatments for erection problems vary depending on the cause, and using dietary supplements for erectile dysfunction treatment might only be a secondary option for a certain instance. Yes, supplements for erectile dysfunction are way more popular and are usually cheaper than prescription drugs. However, what professionals have proven and recommended is still the best choice in treating such sensitive health problems.

Erectile Dysfunction – Symptoms And Causes

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a condition wherein the penis cannot keep a firm erection for sex and other sexual activities. Experiencing it isn’t uncommon, and most men are having difficulty having an erection from time to time. It is not necessarily a cause of concern; however, it can become a big issue when sexual performance is affected, and it causes stress to the male. It can further affect their emotional well-being, cause relationship problems with their partner, and lowers their self-confidence. Also, having erectile dysfunction may be a sign of an underlying health condition such as heart disease. It may be embarrassing to consult a doctor regarding erectile dysfunction. However, if it keeps on giving stress and affects relationships, then maybe it is time to man up and book an appointment with a doctor. This article will discuss the causes and symptoms of erectile dysfunction. If you are experiencing difficulties getting an erection, see for yourself the signs mentioned in this article that might be similar to yours. Upon learning the symptoms and what could have caused it, it is best to consult with a doctor if it constantly gives a negative impact on your life.  Causes of erectile dysfunction Before we discuss the causes of erectile dysfunction, let us first discuss what causes an erection typically. It is important to be introduced to this topic because of some problems during the erection process. The erection of the penis is a result of increased blood flow in it. This blood flow is triggered or stimulated by either sexual thoughts or direct contact with the penis. This increased blood flow is made possible when the muscles in the penis are relaxed as a result of getting sexually excited. The relaxation of the penile muscles allows the blood to flow on the penile arteries, which then fills two chambers inside the penis. When these chambers are filled with blood, the penis erects. After some time, the muscles contract, and the accumulated blood in the two chambers flows out through the penile veins. It is when the erection ends. It can be said that to have an erection, it involves various components, including the brain, hormones, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, and emotions. Erectile dysfunction may occur when this process has been affected due to a variety of causes. Usually, the erectile function can be affected due to problems in the blood flow, nerve supply, and hormones.  The causes of erectile dysfunction may be categorized as either physical or psychological, with the former being accounted for more than 90% of the cases. Likewise, it may be a combination of both, such as when the physical causes affect the male’s mental well-being in the form of stress or anxiety. It can worsen the condition. Here are the physical causes of erectile dysfunction: Heart disease Atherosclerosis or the clogging of the arteries in the penis affecting the blood flow to the penis. Diabetes Obesity Sleep disorders Metabolic syndrome High blood pressure High cholesterol Multiple sclerosis Parkinson’s disease Peyronie’s disease, a condition wherein a scar tissue is developed inside the penis Other structural or anatomical disorders of the penis Hormonal disorders which include thyroid problems and low testosterone levels Surgical complications or injuries that affect the pelvic area or spinal cord Treatments for prostate cancer and other prostate disorders Radiation therapy to the pelvic region Taking certain prescription medications Tobacco use Alcoholism Substance abuse With the given causes, it can be concluded that erectile dysfunction may result from an underlying medical condition. That is why when you suspect that you have it, even if it is embarrassing, it would be wise to consult the doctor. Also, some of these physical causes are a result of lifestyle. It would be wise to stop smoking, alcohol, and drug abuse before it gets worse. Not only would it cause you erectile dysfunction, but there are also other medical conditions resulting from the abuse of tobacco, alcohol, and other substances. Other physical causes may be attributed to some treatments and medications. Consult your doctor if you suspect that your treatment plan is causing you erectile dysfunction. The same thing goes for the medications that you are taking. Here are some of the prescription medications that can cause erectile dysfunction.  Digoxin and other heart medications Medications for high blood pressure Diuretics Sleeping pills, amphetamines, and other medications that act on the central nervous system Medications for anxiety Antidepressants which include monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and tricyclic antidepressants. Opioid painkillers Chemotherapeutic agents and some other medications for cancer Medications for prostate treatment Anticholinergics Hormone drugs Peptic ulcer medication cimetidine Take note that if your medication is on this list, do not stop taking them or look for other alternatives. Consult with your doctor first. On the other hand, erectile dysfunction may also be a result of psychological causes. The brain plays a major role in triggering a series of events that leads to an erection, which mostly begins with sexual excitement.  When the sexual excitement is affected, it may be a psychological factor that causes erectile dysfunction. These factors include: Depression Anxiety Stress Relationship problems Guilt Fear of intimacy Erectile dysfunction due to psychological causes occurs less commonly. The factors mentioned above range from treatable mental health illnesses to normal emotional states. The reason is that it is important to take care of our mental healths’ well-being, just like how we care for our physical health. Risk Factors  With the given causes of erectile dysfunction, both physical and psychological, it can be concluded that there are a variety of risk factors that increase the chances of having this condition. The following are the risk factors that summarize the given physical and psychological causes. Being overweight Having heart conditions Tobacco, alcohol, and drug use Taking prescription medications Certain medical treatments Psychological conditions Having injuries in the pelvic area While most of the risk factors are about having problems in the blood flow and other medical conditions, there is

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