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How can Malegra tablets help treat erectile function?

To ask the question: How can Malegra tablets help treat erectile function would be the right question to ask especially if you’ in that predicament. To be sexually impotent is not only disconcerting but also very embarrassing as it essentially strips a man from his ‘macho’ identity and be rendered unable to fully enjoy sex. But there’s a solution and if you want to know more just read on to learn more about it!

Starting from scratch is always the best way!

To learn as much as you can about any issue or topic, it’s always prudent to start at the very beginning of the topic to get the complete know and ‘feel’ of what is being discussed. Let’s start with what ED is all about.

ED is a physical disorder when a man is not capable of getting an erection most of the time and should he succeed in getting an erection he is then incapable of making it stay that way for having sex.

It’s not a harmful condition on its own but he just cannot have sex with your sexual partner. However, when it’s ignored, it can be dangerous, and it can act as a warning sign that you are suffering from some illness, perhaps one that’s fatal.

For instance it could be that you’re suffering from a serious heart problem. So if you become aware that you are having signs of erectile dysfunction, you need to seek immediate medical attention.

Of what age do people suffer from ED?

While it’s usually true that elderly men are usually prone to suffer from weakness in bed, research studies have shown that even young men are also susceptible.

The truth is that almost any man of whatever age can suffer from this impotent condition and it should be noted that it’s a progressive condition that that affects different men at different intensities such as severe, moderate or mild.

In the US alone, of the men in age group 40 to 70 years, about 50% of them are affected and it has been noted that the severity of ED increases by around 5% for men in their 50s, to about 125% for those in their 70s.

Some common facts about ED

Age related ED is a common sexual condition that’s also related to diabetes, hypertension, depression, cardiovascular diseases and dyslipedemia. Normally, ED was treated by sex therapists and urologists.

However, with the arrival of world standard oral drugs such as Malegra, a revolution has taken place worldwide on how men treat their erectile dysfunction problems.

Difficulties in treating ED symptoms by men

The unique thing about ED is that it’s not similar to the common cold, headache, runny nose or coughing where you can just walk up to a doctor and inform him of your problem.

To be affected by ED is a much more complex matter than that. But note that the complexity doesn’t lie in the treatment methods.

The difference with treating ED is that there are so many types of treatments that if one fails, another will work or if that other one doesn’t do the job, then a combined treatment is sure to work wonders in treating the cause of why a man has become to be weak when it comes to having sex!

However, even in the face of a plethora of treatment methods available for treating ED, many men just simply refuse to seek out treatment for their impotent state.

Understandably the main reason why many men shy away for finding treatment is that they are embarrassed to approach and admit in front of the doctor that they are incapable of getting an erection. So let’s have a peek at why men become impotent.

What causes men to become important?

  • Psychological factors: These can involve depression and a feeling of guilt about sexual performance, stress, concerns and worries about the current sexual relationship.
  • Physiological factors: included under this heading are side effects, diabetes, high blood pressure smoking and obesity.

Why men in different ages suffer from ED

Male impotency affects men of all age groups due to various reasons which can include:

  • Old men:  Many studies have shown that 70% of men over the age of 70 are still sexually active. But the truth is that as you grow still older, you chances of getting erectile dysfunction gets even stronger.

The most likely reason is that with time and with wear and tear, your arteries, brain or heart  and even your blood vessels begin to show signs of poor functioning.

All these vessels are responsible for carrying blood around the body especially your penis and with lower amounts of blood transported the penis begins to droop.

  • Middle aged men: Some of the most common reasons why middle aged men also suffer from erectile dysfunction include guilt or stress for having sex with a new partner following years of a monogamous relationship.
  • Young men: Though surprising, young men tend to become victims to impotency mainly from anxiety. These would normally develop from worries about losing an erection while putting on a condom, fear of lacking sexual experience, getting a sexual partner pregnant.

The enormous popularity of Malegra

The colossal popularity of Malegra has everything to do with the efficiency and effectiveness at the way it works, and this is no hearsay but actual practical experience with the product.

Malegra is used by men worldwide for the treatment of sexual dysfunction symptoms and the men who use it are thoroughly satisfied with it.

The reason is that they get the hard erections they desire which can enable them to enjoy sex for many hours.

How do they get their hard erections? Well, Malegra has a substance called Sildenafil Citrate as its active ingredient.

This active ingredient its ability to relax the muscles and blood vessels to allow more blood to flow into the penis and form very hard erection for sexual enjoyment over many hours.


Knowing the name and brand of a drug medications aren’t enough to convince anyone about the efficacy of the medication. What’s needed is for the user to actually experience the taking, the waiting and then the effectiveness of the treatment when it starts its work in the body, especially in the penis. Many men have tried and have experienced a surge of pleasure, satisfaction, content and confidence in using this wonder drug medication.

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