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Why can’t I get hard all of a sudden?

When you see or hear a question like: Why can’t I get hard all of a sudden? You either feel sorry for the person asking or you sympathize with him because you find yourself in exactly the same situation. Either way, the situation is serious one that needs addressing. In this article we will do exactly that and offer various reasons how and why it arises as well as some good solutions to put our friend and ourselves at ease!    Barriers that inhibit erections Let’s start by saying that everything that robs any man from having a hard erection should not only be called barriers but also dubbed as erection hijackers that slowly deprive you of your erection from under your very nose. There are many different types of barriers to having an erections and each one is merciless, sinister, covert, stealthy and without sympathy. To make it worse, you are not aware they are doing their sinister work until you know that you just can’t get it up! They are listed and discussed in detail below: Exhaustion Being overworked and overtaxed from physical exertion can spoil everything for you including your libido or sex drive. When impotence is said, the issue becomes a very serious issue and each of us must deal with it. What can be done? Getting some rest would be the answer but of course even resting can be a problem otherwise, you wouldn’t be overly exhausted just from being overworked because you would sleep the exhaustion off right? So the only sensible thing to do is in changing your life, perhaps asking your doctor for help, different job or hours of work, otherwise you’re definitely not going to enjoy sex anymore like you used to. Medications There are medications that can prevent you from having an orgasm and others that don’t allow you to achieve and hold onto an erection for a manly performance. Anti-depressants (Prozac and Zoloft) anti-anxiety pills (Valium), hypertension treatment (Diuril) cold medicines (Sudafed) and anti-heartburn (Zantac) all prevent erections. There are medications out there that are erection friendly and which in fact effectively treats ED such as sildenafil and you should opt for this treatment rather than suffer at the hands of hijacking medications that actually prevents you from attaining an erectile situation for enjoying sexual activities. Of course there are side effects to any medication but it’s better than not being able to get it up! Recreational drugs So many people are drawn so much in being able to have sex anytime that they are willing to compromise their health by taking raw street drugs like pot or weeds in their mistaken belief that these are harmless. Wrong, because they can cause problems for having erections. Some are touted to be able to lessen ones suspicions or anxiety about sex but they just don’t. You really need to widen your selection priorities and get the right kind of prescribed medication from reliable online pharmacists or have a 1on1 talk with your doctor. That’s the solution! Stress It’s definite that stress is one of the root causes of most erectile dysfunction issues not only of a one-time fluke but in failing to get and maintain an erection over a wide gap in time. Did you know that prolonged stress leads to many other health conditions? If not, it really does such as chest pains, insomnia and others. How to jump over the hurdle?  Well, you can’t just “talk” away your stress but you can realign your thinking and convince yourself that it’s better to have a healthy sex life than to collide with a heart attack or other debilitating fate in the days ahead. Try relaxing and get into yoga poses, meditation and other stress free activities. Smoking This habit actually damages your blood vessels and impedes blood flow in your entire body, yes, throughout your body! There’s evidence that people who actually quit smoking achieve firmer and wider erections and maximum sexual arousal more quickly than dose who didn’t quit. It’s very difficult to induce a change of heart in people who are addicted to smoking and possibly there should be some sort of concerted effort in warning people about this erection hijack killer. No doubt many smokers would quit if they knew that smoking actually smothers erections. Anxiety This erection hijacker is perhaps one of the best and the amazing thing about anxiety is that it’s self-induced. You can actually create a state of impotence in yourself when you keep mulling over how incompetent you are. You become obsessed with your own inability to get an erection up that when the time comes you just can’t get it up! You panic and you give up, end of story. The best defense against being anxious is to realize that it’s not you that’s causing the problem. It’s not about your competence or impotence or sexy appearance or lack thereof. You should create a positive thinking approach. Talk to your partner, explain and open up and create a relaxed and understanding situation. Relationships You may not realize that this erection hijackercan wreck your libido your ability to be fully aroused as well. This happens when you are quarreling, have conflicting views and other disturbances in the home. An the trouble is it’s very difficult to extract yourself by changing the subject or some other tactics. The good news is that you can improve the situation and put your relationship back on track. Face up to your relationship issues and deal with them head on. Your partner can help you to straighten things out and by mutually knowing what your problems are you can bring them out in the open, deal with them and forget them. Other health issues Sometimes, other more serious health issues can cramp your space of wellness because the onset of erectile dysfunction is usually an indication of the emergence of other more serious health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, thyroid problems and a host of

Kamagra / Viagra Guide

This article will attempt to delve into a comparative discussion of two drug cures for erectile dysfunction, the drugs Kamagra and Viagra. It is written as a guide to provide assistance to those who have, are using or have never come across the two ED medications before. Hopefully the discussion will end on a high note of clearer understanding of all aspects of the two remedies of the ED condition. Kamagra: What is it? Simply put, Kamagra is a drug that has been used for the cure of erectile dysfunction, a very sensitive condition which involves the inability of a man to get an erection to allow him to enjoy sexual activity. The drug can be used in two forms, the first as a tablet and the second as an oral jelly substance. Like all other drugs of the same purpose and nature, users purchase it online as a next best option to Viagra or Levitra because it’s a cheaper medication. However, the drug is not licensed and therefore is neither a recognized nor an approved legal medication both in the UK and the EU and therefore is not available as a prescription given by a doctor. It follows then that because it’s unregulated, its ingredients are suspect and its side effects are always changing. These traits render using the drug unsafe and it can therefore be very dangerous to use as a medication for ED. Is Kamagra Safe as Treatment for ED? Before you decide to use Kamagra, you should spend some time studying it with the help of a qualified physician so that you get a thorough knowledge and understanding of the drug. As already mentioned, it’s unlicensed and is not an approved medication. Because of this, it cannot be prescribed by a doctor and therefore its ingredients are suspect and side effects cannot be determined due to their ever changing nature. Bodily reactions to the drug by some people may prove highly negative depending on their lifestyle and medical history. It has not been possible yet to determine whether or not there could be allergic reactions to any of the Kamagra ingredients that may prove a threat to life. Does Kamagra Really Work? This is a very difficult question to answer given the nature of Kamagra as already indicated so far. The drug Kamagra is unlicensed and unregulated in the UK and the EU where websites are selling fake or imitated versions of the drug. The exact ingredients are unknown and its side effects different. It’s practically impossible to say that the drug can really work and even the effects are unknown because the places of purchase are equally unknown. It is enough to say that the drug is unsafe in the UK and the EU and the only means of getting it is online but it’s illegal to make purchases online. Is it Possible for Anyone to Obtain Kamagra? This is impossible in the UK or the EU and the only avenue open for you to gen Kamagra is by purchasing it online, bit as already said, this would be an illegal transaction. However, it may be possible for you to get the drug if you live outside the UK or the EU. Before you get it however, you must make sure that the product you are thinking of purchasing is licensed and regulated in whichever country you are living. Differences and Similarities Between Kamagra and Viagra The two drugs are reported to contain the same active ingredient called sildenafil and if that’s the case, there every reason to expect that the two drugs should work in exactly the same way. Like Viagra, the Kamagra drug should take about 45 minutes before its effects become noticed. Like Viagra, the effects of Kamagra should last for about 4-6 hours but of course the approximations may be different for each person. Kamagra is available in a variety of forms – colored tablets, effervescent tablets and jellies. They are produced as attractions for people to buy them in the place of safer, legas and regulated drugs such as Viagra and active ingredient Sildenafil Qualifying conditions for medicines like Viagra in the UK are twofold. First, they have to contain the exact amount of the active ingredient Sildenafil and they have the desired effect on the body. Sildenafil has be proven to be effective in a tablet form only but it’s not possible to say the same for Kamagra because of it’s unlicensed and unregulated status. Other Illegal ED treatments In addition to Kamagra right now, there are many other unlicensed ED medications online that claim they also have the active ingredient Sildenafil found in Viagra (unconfirmed). They include: Suhagra Aurogra, Valif Lovegra Silagra Penagra Caverta Eriacta Any Other Options Besides Kamara?                                                                            Fortunately there are many perfectly legitimate alternatives to Kamara that include: Cialis (contains active ingredient Tadalfil) Generic Tadalfil or unbranded Cialis Viagra (contains active ingredient Sildenafil) Generic Sildenafil or unbranded Viagra Spedra (Avanafil) Levitra (contains active ingredient Vardenafil) Should I Ignore the Risks? The illegal nature of the drug alone makes it a risky proposition, and if that isn’t enough, your safety and personal health are also put at risk. Another issue to factor in is that the differences in price don’t make Kamagra more enticing than other drug medications like Viagra.  As such, the task of obtaining Kamagra is a venture rife with genuine risks which are not worth suffering for. So What Should I Do? From what has just been unfolded,your best bet would be to focus on ED drug medications that are licensed, regulated and legal. It definitely makes good sense and will save you from all the regrets that await you if you decide to go for Kamagra and its gang of dubious quality and status. Go with the flow that carries with it all the licensed, regulated, legal and safe erectile dysfunctional drugs rather than to opt for the unlicensed, unregulated, illegal and unsafe erectile dysfunctional drugs. The saying ‘it’s better to

Can lack of exercise cause erectile dysfunction? Part 2

In Part 1 of this topic we focused attention on the different types of Kegels exercises and continued to discuss the reasons why the different types of  kegel exercises can be very beneficial for the proper functioning of the body especially in generating a strong blood flow throughout the body. In this article we will attempt to explain the reasons why exercising is of general benefit to improving ED. Your cardiovascular system is strengthened. During exercise, your heart and lungs are pressured to work double time and deliver blood you the muscles, tissues and organs in your body. The reason for this hard work is because your body tissues, organs and muscles need more oxygen for the exercising effort. Your bodily cells, tissues, muscles and heart grow in size and number so they can adapt to the new level of exertion and effort. They contract and expand, soft and flexible, handle more bloodflow and sexual performance increases. New blood vessels are formed into existence throughout your body With greater exertion and effort, your heart keeps up its pace of pumping more blood through your veins taking air and nutrients to their destinations. The greater your exertion and resultant need for more blood something marvelous begins to take place. New blood vessels are formed in your body in a process known as angiogenesis forming a network of access ways that deliver oxygen, nutrients, waste and other components. The ability of the body to produce nitric acid in your blood vessels is enhanced Special cells called endothelial cells line the surface of your arteries, the lining of these cells are called endothelium. This endothelium works as a filter that regulates gases, fluids and other molecules to enter and leave blood vessels. Endothelium also produces the gas, nitric oxide. In order to carry more blood, endothelial cells produce nitric acid and cause blood vessels to expand all over the body. So nitric acid is the catalyst that makes blood rush into the penis and fill it with blood producing an erection. Production of testosterone in your body is increased Exercise increases your testosterone levels in short and long term time spans. When you consistently exercise your testosterone levels remain high. But if you become slack with exercising testosterone production decreases because there’s no stimulus for producing testosterone. Obesity also depress testosterone levels due to the enzyme aromatase which changes testosterone to estrogen which can make you lose testosterone, muscle and more fat, more weight and less testosterone which is a bad situation to be in. Production of dopamine is enhanced Studies show that most exercise especially moderate to intense aerobic exercises boosts production of dopamine that also increases your testosterone levels. Your baseline level also remains high with consistent exercising because more dopamine receptors are produced. The production of more dopamine is desirable because it boosts the sexual function and it can also boost your sex drive or libido. This means that with low dopamine production, you may be affected by erectile dysfunction and a lower libido. Excess glucose in the body is burnt Food and drink which you consume that enter your stomach are broken down and absorbed by your intestines. You would also ingest plenty of carbohydrates that are turned into glucose, the energy for your body. To work properly glucose needs to insulin to enter your body cells. When there’s too much glucose in your blood, your pancreas makes insulin which enables cells to absorb the glucose. More carbohydrates eaten means more glucose in your blood called hyperglycemia which may lodge on the side of your blood vessels causing more problems. Exercise gets rid of this excess glucose. Your cells become more sensitive to the effects of insulin We now know that body cells can only use glucose as energy when insulin opens cells and let insulin in. Cells quickly absorb the glucose in your blood and when satiated they stop accepting glucose that insulin gives (insulin resistance). This means you have high glucose in your blood which is bad as you now have diabetes type II. But exercise can use up the excess glucose. Cells become sensitive to insulin and can absorb more glucose. Nitric acid already in the body is preserved Excess glucose in your blood means production of free radicals superoxide by the body. Superoxide has an unpaired electron looking for a mate and finds nitric oxide which is also a free radical. They react to one another and nitric oxide disappears which is not good. This means that too much glucose is produced in huge quantities which destroys nitric oxide. Exercise rescues the situation by using up excess glucose resulting in less production of superoxide which is good. Your HDL/LDL cholesterol balance is improved Cholesterol is fatty and doesn’t mix with water based blood but are transported  by two lipoproteins LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol) LDL is bad because the cholesterol it carries can cling to walls of blood vessels as plaque. HDL is good because it carries the cholesterol to the liver to be destroyed. Cholesterol also thickens blood making your blood flow sluggishly, promotes higher blood pressure and both can cause ED, but exercise can reduce cholesterol levels which is good for you. High blood pressure (hypertension) is reduced When bloodflow pressure increases against the walls of your arteries, pressure builds up causing hypertension of high blood pressure mainly from thick blood too much water in the blood or narrowing of arteries. These force your heart is forced to pump harder to enable blood circulation. Blood vessels attempt to stop narrowing by resisting but the stress can cause damage to your blood vessels. Also the blood vessels can only resist to a certain degree and must relent at some point allowing the clogging up of blood vessels. Exercising also helps by ridding the body of excess Excess triglycerides is reduced Triglycerrides are all the fatty butter, oils and animal fats we ingest. The point is that the body can make its

Can lack of exercise cause erectile dysfunction? Part 1

An erectile dysfunction condition is usually associated with a low libido when you somehow lose your sex drive or urge to engage in sexual activity. The situation usually arises when the body has remained stationary for a long time and the blood flow slackens to a trickle instead of a surging tide. It’s during these times that many people ask the question: Can lack of exercise cause erectile dysfunction? The answer of course is Yes, it does! Remember these factors when exercising It’s normal that a person will only be able to perform a maximum of three or four exercises in a single session. You should nevertheless strive to build your strength by practicing your exercises on a daily basis so that erectile dysfunction will not affect your sex life. With time you should be able to repeat your exercises to 10 repetitions of each exercise daily. This will maintain a strong blood flow throughout your body and enable you to achieve and maintain erections. Other ED exercises Some people find aerobic exercises to be of benefit to them in connection with erectile dysfunction. If you find yourself so inclined, here are some examples in which you can involve yourself: Boxing Rowing Running Skipping Cycling rowing For best results, aerobic exercises should be performed on a continuous basis for at least 6 months. Some pointers to ponder It’s a well-known fact that if you don’t engage in some type of exercise over a long period of time, you may become susceptible to erectile dysfunction and at the same time a low libido. The main reason is of course that when you exercise, you can maintain a strong circulation of blood throughout your body but more important, a strong bloodflow will definitely induce strong erections for enjoying a satisfying sex life. Bloodflow in your body becomes sluggish perhaps because your blood contains large amounts of fat and sugar or your blood vessels have become clogged up with plague making it difficult for you to have erections. However, exercising can restore a strong bloodflow. Exercising can be done even if you’ve never exercised very much in your life or even if you are obese and health experts believe that it’s never too late to start exercising to get that strong and sustained flow of blood through your body. How can exercising help your condition? For starters, exercise can rejuvenate your low libido and also improve your erectile dysfunction. We’ve all been brought up with the notion that exercising is a normal part of our lives which we should find time to do and enjoy. There’s no doubt that our parents told us that exercising is a healthy activity for both our minds and hearts and lowers the risk of being easily infected by other kinds of health problems. However, parents may have done what many other parents didn’t do to tell us that exercising also plays a very important role in our sex life. Nevertheless, health gurus strongly believe exercising can greatly improve your ebbing libido and make your penis stand hard and ready for sexual activity. Some even go so far as to say that it is the best panacea for erectile dysfunction. The alternative of course is that a lack of exercise is most likely to cause ED and low libido. How exercising can cure ED Firstly, your penis needs to be engorged with blood to attain and maintain an erection. Then the blood pressure inside your penis needs to increase so your penis can become hard. This means that for a proper erection, a good bloodflow is required. If anything interrupts the bloodflow then you will most likely be unable to achieve and maintain an erection. Fortunately, that’s exactly what exercising does; it greatly increases the bloodflow in your body in many ways and not just in one way.  What are these many ways that exercise increases you bloodflow? Here are some of them: Physical and mental systems Both your mind and body are extremely complex systems that need to be constantly honed and kept in good shape. This is the main role of exercising which they both need in order to function properly and this is understandable because exercise does many things to the mind and body. Residue and dirt When a person exercises he/she actively helps in cleaning up the dirt that’s found in many parts of the mind and body and also does all the repairs the body and mind need as well as replacing their damaged parts. It also carries out tests and troubleshoots parts that are malfunctioning and normalizes any imbalances that are found in the systems. Exercising actually optimizes performance and makes sure that everything is in perfect condition. All these corrective functions help stimulate a strong bloodflow. Key reasons why exercise is beneficial In addition to being the activity that makes both mind and body function smoothly, exercising also performs three main functions. It improves the bloodflow, it helps you to overcome your erectile dysfunction condition and it helps improve your sagging sex drive or libido. Exercise does these things through a host of other smaller functions that do everything to update and tune up the body so that it can function as a perfect unit and achieve its goals, one of them being to improve the condition of people suffering from erectile dysfunction. Here are the reasons why exercise is so beneficial: Your cardiovascular system is strengthened. New blood vessels are formed into existence throughout your body The ability of the body to produce nitric acid in your blood vessels is enhanced Production of testosterone in your body is increased Production of  dopamine is enhanced Excess glucose in the body is burnt Your cells become more sensitive to the effects of insulin Nitric acid already in the body is preserved and kept in good condition Your HDL/LDL cholesterol balance is improved High blood pressure (hypertension) is reduced Excess triglycerides is reduced Excess fructose and sucrose is reduced. Bottom line It’s

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