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What is so special about the Malegra 100 mg tablet

It does no harm in focusing attention on a particular drug treatment for the same reasons for some other outstanding efficacious features that the medication has or has shown its effectiveness in doing something. That something may be have to do with a special feature that the drug medication has that has boosted its reputation as one of the best in the brand for treating ED. Read on to find out how Malegra 100 mg has impressed users. A unique description for Malegra 100 mg A unique drug medication deserves a unique coverage for its description, and Malegra 100 mg is such a product. It’s also known by its generic name Viagra (with active ingredient sildenafil citrate). Malegra 100 mg Generic Viagra (sildenafil citrate) is an efficacious treatment for erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil Citrate is the active ingredient used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. This drug medication can help men who suffer from erectile dysfunction to get and maintain an erection when they are sexually aroused. Melegra 100 mg Generic Viagra is strictly manufactured according to standards used by the World Health Organization as well as the guidelines set by WHO=GMP. How to use malegra 100 mg The active ingredient in malegra 100 mg medication is sildenafil in which is very effective in treating impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED). It does this incredible healing action by increasing blood flow especially to the penis and enables a man to achieve and maintain an erection. It should be noted that this drug medication is incapable of protecting users from other conditions such as sexually transmitted diseases (such as GIV, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, syphilis and other infections). Anyone taking this drug medication should practice precautionary methods to ensure that it’s not passed on between partners during sex activity. It’s considered prudent that people taking malegra 100 mg should practice safe sex when they engage in sexual activity such as using latex condoms. You should consult your doctor or pharmacist for more information on safe sex. Taking Malegra 100 mg tablets the right way Best practice is to take Malegra 100 mg tablet orally with a glass of water. You should take the tablet about 30 to 40 minutes before you engage in sex relations with your partner. It has been proven that malegra 100 mg will consistently maintain its active presence in the body for about 3 to 4 hours. It’s very important to remember not to take more than what the doctor or pharmacist has prescribed for you. How Malegra 100 mg works Malegra 100 mg contains sildenafil citrate which is the active ingredient of this drug medication. This ingredient is a PDE-5 inhibitor which is taken at the potency dose of 100 mg contained in each capsule. It helps to open up blocked arteries in the body particularly those in the genital area thereby promoting more copious blood flow that allows a man to attain and keep a full erection for sexual engagement. It smoothens out the muscles and widens blood vessels carrying the blood that are used in a sexual encounter rendering them capable of carrying more blood in the body to the penis. The increased blood flow allows a man to achieve hard erections that can last longer and it also helps the body to recover faster following ejaculation. It’s very important to note that this drug medication can only work properly if the man is sexually aroused. The side effects of Malegra 100 mg Like all other drug medications, Malegra 100 mg can cause side effects to appear but the side effects from taking Malegra are usually mild in intensity. The list of side effects that follow is not exhaustive in content and you are asked to please consult your doctor or pharmacist when you experience the development of adverse reaction to the pill you have taken. Some more common side effects of Malegra 100 mg include: Dizziness and stuffy nose Headache Blurred vision or disturbance of vision Tinge of color in vision Indigestion Nausea Flushing Dosage for Malegra 100 mg tablet Normally, Malegra 100mg pills are available for sale online. It’s possible to buy pills separately one at a time, but it’s usually cheaper if purchase a packet that contains 20 or 50 tablets. When you do take a Malegra pill, you should take it with a glass of water about an hour before you engage in sexual activity. The Malegra doses available Malegra 25mg Malegra 50 mg Malegra 100 mg Malegra 200 mg What if you missed a dose? If for some reason you or any other people miss their prescribed given to them for their treatment, it’s important not to forget to take the dose especially when those are taking it are interested in having sex. This is a reminder for everyone who desires to take part in sexual activity that they shouldn’t forget to take their drug medication.Normally, it’s very difficult for a patient to take more that has been prescribed for them What if you overdose? It’s normally the case that a person who has been given a prescribed dose of this medication will not take more than what has been prescribed. Nevertheless if an overdose does happen, the best way to solve the problem would be to go to or contact the nearest hospital and ask for the pharmacist there to help you. Warnings on Malegra 100 mg pill If you are taking this drug medication, you should make sure that you don’t drive a car. You should also avoid operating a big machine after you’ve just taken a Malegra 100 mg pill The drowsiness that is likely to occur from taking the tablet may impede your performance when you are operating the machines. Precautions on Malegra 100 mg tablet Despite the fact that you don’t really need a prescription in order to purchase Malegra, you should nevertheless consult a doctor about your intention of buying the medication. This particularly applies to men who are now receiving another

How can Malegra tablets help treat erectile function?

To ask the question: How can Malegra tablets help treat erectile function would be the right question to ask especially if you’ in that predicament. To be sexually impotent is not only disconcerting but also very embarrassing as it essentially strips a man from his ‘macho’ identity and be rendered unable to fully enjoy sex. But there’s a solution and if you want to know more just read on to learn more about it! Starting from scratch is always the best way! To learn as much as you can about any issue or topic, it’s always prudent to start at the very beginning of the topic to get the complete know and ‘feel’ of what is being discussed. Let’s start with what ED is all about. ED is a physical disorder when a man is not capable of getting an erection most of the time and should he succeed in getting an erection he is then incapable of making it stay that way for having sex. It’s not a harmful condition on its own but he just cannot have sex with your sexual partner. However, when it’s ignored, it can be dangerous, and it can act as a warning sign that you are suffering from some illness, perhaps one that’s fatal. For instance it could be that you’re suffering from a serious heart problem. So if you become aware that you are having signs of erectile dysfunction, you need to seek immediate medical attention. Of what age do people suffer from ED? While it’s usually true that elderly men are usually prone to suffer from weakness in bed, research studies have shown that even young men are also susceptible. The truth is that almost any man of whatever age can suffer from this impotent condition and it should be noted that it’s a progressive condition that that affects different men at different intensities such as severe, moderate or mild. In the US alone, of the men in age group 40 to 70 years, about 50% of them are affected and it has been noted that the severity of ED increases by around 5% for men in their 50s, to about 125% for those in their 70s. Some common facts about ED Age related ED is a common sexual condition that’s also related to diabetes, hypertension, depression, cardiovascular diseases and dyslipedemia. Normally, ED was treated by sex therapists and urologists. However, with the arrival of world standard oral drugs such as Malegra, a revolution has taken place worldwide on how men treat their erectile dysfunction problems. Difficulties in treating ED symptoms by men The unique thing about ED is that it’s not similar to the common cold, headache, runny nose or coughing where you can just walk up to a doctor and inform him of your problem. To be affected by ED is a much more complex matter than that. But note that the complexity doesn’t lie in the treatment methods. The difference with treating ED is that there are so many types of treatments that if one fails, another will work or if that other one doesn’t do the job, then a combined treatment is sure to work wonders in treating the cause of why a man has become to be weak when it comes to having sex! However, even in the face of a plethora of treatment methods available for treating ED, many men just simply refuse to seek out treatment for their impotent state. Understandably the main reason why many men shy away for finding treatment is that they are embarrassed to approach and admit in front of the doctor that they are incapable of getting an erection. So let’s have a peek at why men become impotent. What causes men to become important? Psychological factors: These can involve depression and a feeling of guilt about sexual performance, stress, concerns and worries about the current sexual relationship. Physiological factors: included under this heading are side effects, diabetes, high blood pressure smoking and obesity. Why men in different ages suffer from ED Male impotency affects men of all age groups due to various reasons which can include: Old men:  Many studies have shown that 70% of men over the age of 70 are still sexually active. But the truth is that as you grow still older, you chances of getting erectile dysfunction gets even stronger. The most likely reason is that with time and with wear and tear, your arteries, brain or heart  and even your blood vessels begin to show signs of poor functioning. All these vessels are responsible for carrying blood around the body especially your penis and with lower amounts of blood transported the penis begins to droop. Middle aged men: Some of the most common reasons why middle aged men also suffer from erectile dysfunction include guilt or stress for having sex with a new partner following years of a monogamous relationship. Young men: Though surprising, young men tend to become victims to impotency mainly from anxiety. These would normally develop from worries about losing an erection while putting on a condom, fear of lacking sexual experience, getting a sexual partner pregnant. The enormous popularity of Malegra The colossal popularity of Malegra has everything to do with the efficiency and effectiveness at the way it works, and this is no hearsay but actual practical experience with the product. Malegra is used by men worldwide for the treatment of sexual dysfunction symptoms and the men who use it are thoroughly satisfied with it. The reason is that they get the hard erections they desire which can enable them to enjoy sex for many hours. How do they get their hard erections? Well, Malegra has a substance called Sildenafil Citrate as its active ingredient. This active ingredient its ability to relax the muscles and blood vessels to allow more blood to flow into the penis and form very hard erection for sexual enjoyment over many hours. Conclusion Knowing the name and brand of a drug medications

Malegra is not only about one tablet but a whole family of tablets

Most of the time when you hear about medicinal tablets mentioned, you always envisage a single tablet which has been given some sophisticated scientific name which is supposed to cure a specific condition. But those days are now long gone and today medicinal tablets especially drug medications can take on many names, sizes and forms and even a bunch of family tablets that essentially have the same name but different doses. Read on to grasp the idea. Malegra and its different forms It comes as no surprise these days to be advised that malegra comes in different forms and that it essentially contains one primary or active ingredient – sildenafil. Even so, this particular highly popular drug medication does have variations to it. Most popularly used is the jelly form which also has the reputation of getting into the bodily system fast.  Malegra is also available in different doses with the 100mg dose being the most sought after. The 100mg dose is also known for its ability to be rapidly absorbed into the system which does great things for a placid penis by giving it better and improved erections. This dose also has the ability to increase the circulation flow of blood throughout the body and can be taken by a patient in different flavors. Another amazing quality of Malegra 100 mg drug medication is the ability to improve confidence and boost sexual abilities and is available anywhere around the world. India is recognized as one of the biggest suppliers of this drug medication with customers who purchase its product is found worldwide. It’s important to note that the most important ingredient of Melagra is Sildenafil Citrate. Quality preparation for Malegra drug medication Malegra is accorded professional and high quality preparatory procedures which focus on the production of a product for the effective treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). It’s known to be so efficacious it will always assist men in achieving and keeping their erections in a solid state. The drug medication has proven so effective and popular the FDA requires the use of Sildenafil 100mg dose for the treatment of erectile dysfunction everywhere. The popularity of Melagra 100 has received numerous boosts from its proven efficacy and safety which has attracted countless admirers to select Malegra 100mg as their treatment against erectile dysfunction. Malegra is quick off the mark in getting started as it takes, at the most, only 30-50 minutes for the user to experience and enjoy the best sexual encounter ever with the spouse. What of Malegra 200 mg tablet? This drug medication has the same active ingredient of sildenafil citrate and is also used for treating erectile dysfunction in men but with a higher dose of sildenafil citrate than our former tablet. Because it’s a stronger dosage, it can treat more serious cases of ED such as when the condition is so serious it can be called impotence or the complete inability of men to have sexual relations with their partners. There’s no denying the fact that when a man finds he is impotent, he will literally do anything to find a suitable cure to his impotent condition. There are so many dosages for Malegra (Viagra Sildenafil Citrate 200mg) that a doctor has a wide range of dosages available at his disposal for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. One of the most popularly successful variations of the Malegra 200 mg is the Viagra Blue Pills. It has been proven that when men use the Malegra 200 mg tablet, they can quickly achieve and maintain a hard erection after they have been sexually stimulated. The Malegra Family Series The following drug medications comprise the different variations of Malegra (Viagra Sildenafil Citrate 200mg): malegra oral jelly malegra professional tablet, malegra 25 mg tablet malegra fxt plus tablet malegra gold tablet malegra green 100 mg tablet femalegra 100 mg tablet Background to the Melagra family drug medications About twenty years ago, the Pfizer medication company commenced its chemical compound called Sildenafil Citrate and gave it the brand name of Viagra for the treatment of diseases related to the flow of blood in the body. These diseases included Hyperplasia, Hypertension and Erectile Dysfunction. It was found then that about 52% of the men suffered from erectile dysfunction, a condition disorder that rendered the men incapable of achieving and maintaining a firm erection even with sexual stimulation. Viagra did provide hope and met the expectations of the manufactures and those who wanted to be treated. The problem was the outrages prices for the medication which left most men long for a reasonably priced ED drug medication. Malegra 50 mg Malegra 50 mg is very similar to Viagra as both contain the same active ingredient and both also function in the same way. This medication is used as an alternative medication used for expanding the body’s blood vessels which helps to improve blood flow in the penis and other areas of the body that suffer from bottleneck effects. Malegra fxt(Sildenafill 100 + Fluoxetine 60mg) Malegra fxtis touted as the “new age” nursing medication for males who have the erectile dysfunction disorder. A normally healthy male has the ability to show his sexual vigor and excitement by having a virile and hard penis while at the same time he can provide pleasure to his partner with his ability to engage in sex for a long time. If a man fails to do this, he is suffering from a condition called erectile dysfunction that can also involve premature ejaculation, a related sexual disorder. As a drug remedy for these sexual disorder conditions, Malegra FXT has a dual function as a drug medication, one is that of helping the man attain an erection when he needs it and the other is to have the ability to engage in sexual activity for a longer time. Malegra tablet has a combined dose of Sildenafil and Fluoxetine. The first chemical helps men become sexually virile again while Fluoxetine addresses the inability of a man of lasting for

The Malegra 100 mg (Sildenafil Citrate 100mg)

When a dose from a drug medication such as Malegra becomes very popular with people, especially men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, there’s every reason to believe that all the other doses are bound to be as effective as the first level of dosage. We have discussed the Malegra 200 (Sildenafil Citrate 100mg so now we turn our focus on Malegra 100mg which is exactly the same drug medication but of a lower dosage. Join us and enjoy what you read. What is the Malegra 100 mg? Malegra is a medication which has been accorded a high powered medicinal preparation for use in the treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). It has not only been approved and recommended by the FDA as a highly suitable treatment for erectile dysfunction and but has also proved itself as a very popular treatment for enabling men to achieve a solid erection for engaging is sex. In addition, numerous studies have attested to the efficacy of this drug medication in the treatment of ED and literally millions of users have opted to use Malegra 100 rather than ignore the adverse effects of ED but to focus instead on the effectiveness of this drug treatment. Malegra goes into action very soon after being taken orally, needing only from 30 to 50 minutes to start making changes allowing the user to enjoy a phenomenal sexual experience with your partner. How to put Malegra to proper use The most effective way to use Melagra 100 mg is in the treatment of erectile dysfunction for which it was produced. The Malegra l00 mg dose helps strengthen the flow of blood to the penis thereby causing a strong erection to take place and is also able to keep the penis strong for a thoroughly enjoyable sexual experience. It should be noted that the drug medication cannot provide protection against HIV and gonorrhea. It similarly cannot protect the user against sexually transmitted diseases and therefore the use of the condom is still needed for safety reasons. Ensuring that Melagra 100 mg does its work An ingredient of the Melagra 100mg dose is sildenafil citrate, a PDE-5 inhibitor that uses a dose of 100 mg for each pill. When it’s used it has the ability to reopen any blood vessels that are blocked in the body especially in the genital region. This opening of previously closed blood vessels in the genital area also promotes the smooth circulation of blood making it easy for a man to achieve a full erection. Another job that the Malegra 100mg dose performs is the smoothing out of the muscles in the penis which helps in facilitating a higher blood flow that can lead to a full and harder erections that can last longer. It also assists in achieving a faster recovery rate following ejaculation but you should always remember that perhaps more important than these is the preliminary sexual stimulation of the male partner in order to facilitate a full and hard erection. How to take Malegra 1oomg tablet The right way for taking the Malegra 100 mg dose is of course orally with a glass of water and it should be taken about 30 to 40 minutes before you actually have sex. When used this way, the Malegra 100 mg tablet will give you a consistent performance for about 3 to 4 hours so long as it’s still active in the body. It’s very important to remember that you should avoid taking more than what the doctor prescribed for you to take of the Malegra 100 dose. The mechanism that triggers Malegra 100mg into action The Malegra 100mg Sildenafil citrate dose has been deliberately prescribed for the effective treatment of erectile dysfunction. This has the desired effect of increasing the flow of blood into the male sex organ or penis by enhancing blood flow into the male organ while it reduces any complications that may occur in the arteries. Malegra Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg dose has been classified as a PDE 5 inhibitor which acts to improve the cGMP level in the male penile area. This means that it effectively breaks down the cGMP levels and acts as a chemical messenger in the body. It also boosts the amount of nitric acid in the veins, it relaxes the muscles around the arteries.  When arteries are relaxed, they will allow a smooth flow of blood into the penile veins. When the amount of cGMP increases in the blood vessels, they will work as vasodilator, which help to widen blood vessels and increase blood flow into the penile vein and into the penis. All these processes serve to enhance the enables a man to achieve a firm erection in the male’s body and enhances a better and healthier sexual relationships between you and your sexual partner. Instructions for Malegra 100 mg The following are instructions for the Malegra 100 Blue tablet: the Malegra 100mg tablet should be taken orally with a glass of water. it should not be taken by anyone with heart disease or has suffered a heart attack if you encounter any problems during your treatment, you should call your doctor at once. contact your doctor or pharmacist if you encounter problems with administering the dose Conclusion It’s clearly evident from what has been discussed in this article that the Malegra 100 mg dose is not much different from the Malegra 200 mg dose. Both drugs are highly popular and also very effective in addressing any issues connected with erectile dysfunction. These points are also clearly brought home in in this article giving credence to the idea that perhaps all the doses below the 200mg dose are just as effective as the more potent doses.

Good Vitamins For Erectile Dysfunction?

The failure to get or sustain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse is erectile dysfunction (ED). Sometimes it is referred to as impotence, but this word is hardly used nowadays. Find out more about the right vitamins for erectile dysfunction.  Occasional EDs are not rare. During periods of tension, many men feel it. Frequent ED, however, may be a symptom of treatment-needing health issues. It may also be a sign of emotional or relationship problems that a therapist needs to resolve. In this article, we will look for vitamins for erectile dysfunction. Vitamins and minerals enable the body, including the reproductive system in order to function properly. Vitamins boost general health. There is no firm evidence; however, that particular vitamins can cure ED. Nevertheless, a few studies support a link between particular vitamin deficiencies and erectile dysfunction, and it would help people with low levels of these vitamins get more of them. The section below discusses what study says about the relation between certain vitamins and erectile dysfunction. Which Are The Vitamins For Erectile Dysfunction? Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) Vitamin D Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Vitamin C L-arginine Zinc Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) Studies focused on heart disease have shown that daily folic acid supplementation can minimize the arteries’ hardening and promote improved circulation.   Since cardiovascular diseases can be a significant risk factor for sexual dysfunction, some experts claim it could also significantly improve erectile function by improving heart function with vitamin B9. Simply put, for achieving and sustaining an erection, healthy blood flow and circulation to the penis are crucial. Hence Vitamin B9 is a good vitamin for erectile dysfunction. A daily dose of folic acid can also function as a mood stabilizer and improve erectile dysfunctions caused by stress and premature ejaculation during sex. However, to fully understand its effectiveness, further study is required. Folic acid takes two forms: a synthetic version added to food products by manufacturers and folate, which is found naturally and easier to digest by most individuals. The following food are rich in folate vitamin for erectile dysfunction Greens, leafy vegetables: examples are spinach, kale, brussels sprouts, and broccoli Avocado Broccoli and asparagus Eggs Beets Citrus fruits and bananas Beans, peas, lentils, and other legumes Cereals, rice, pasta Broccoli Papaya Vitamin D A 2020 nutrient meta-analysis found a direct relationship between vitamin D deficiency and severe erectile dysfunction. Another study involving young men with low vitamin D levels found that erectile function was much worse among those with vitamin D deficiency. It implies a correlation between a deficiency of vitamin D and erectile dysfunction. Scientists are not certain if what is the link between this vitamin and ED exactly. Vitamin D may decrease inflammation, increase blood flow, or promote nitric oxide production, an integral part of the erectile response. The main source of vitamin D is sunlight. Other good sources of vitamin D are: Oily, fatty fish: examples are salmon, sardines, mackerel, oysters, shrimp Portobello mushrooms Vitamin D-fortified milk Fortified cereal Egg yolk Liver Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Vitamin B3, commonly known as niacin, is among the few vitamins with potential efficiency in improving erectile function, backed up with promising studies. Vitamin B3 is believed to play a major role in erectile dysfunction. A 2014 study found that many patients with erectile dysfunction were also deficient in folic acid.  Niacin is known to help treat high blood pressure and is also used to reduce high cholesterol and treat arterial hardening, both known causes of erectile dysfunction. Niacin can boost circulation to your penis so that you can achieve an erection, especially if these health issues are the underlying cause of your ED. Niacin could be a good vitamin for erectile dysfunction that you can incorporate in your lifestyle.  The following foods are rich in Vitamin B3: Meat: examples are turkey, chicken, pork, and beef Avocado Peanuts Mushrooms Brown rice Avocados Liver Green peas Vitamin C A 2017 study indicates that vitamin C helps boost blood flow, increases production, and improves testosterone, both essential for sexual function. However, supplements with vitamin C can be used as a vitamin for erectile dysfunction. Your body, nevertheless, needs to release nitric oxide to get an erection. Vitamin C does not directly release nitric oxide, but it does assist the biochemical pathways required to release it.  Vitamin C is not only a potential vitamin for erectile dysfunction, but it is also excellent for general health. Several other known advantages of having enough vitamin C have been reported. The growth, repair, and development of all body tissues are essential. It can, at the very least, help improve the immune system. Foods rich in Vitamin C are: Green, leafy vegetables: examples are broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach, cabbage, and cauliflower Sweet potatoes Cantaloupe Thyme and parsley Guava and citrus fruits Red and green peppers Tomatoes L-arginine Blood vessels are dilated by nitric oxide, promoting blood flow and circulation. L-arginine is an amino acid that exists naturally, helping to increase nitric oxide levels. Increasing nitric oxide by increasing L-arginine with supplements likely leads to improved blood flow and stronger erections.  Although there is strong evidence to support L-arginine’s efficacy, it is restricted to men who have low nitric oxide levels in their system. Taking L-arginine as a vitamin for erectile dysfunction may not affect if the individual has healthy nitric oxide levels. Foods that are high in L-arginine include: Pumpkin or squash seeds  Watermelon  Nuts and seeds Meat, including turkey, chicken, pork, and beef Legumes Seaweed Be Cautious And Talk To Your Doctor The most popular vitamin and mineral supplements consumed by individuals, such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and multivitamins, does not cause harm. However, their full benefits are yet to be completely confirmed. Folic acid, which can decrease cardiovascular disease and stroke, and niacin and antioxidants are the possible exceptions, all of which indicated possible rises in all-cause mortality. The researchers said that a balanced diet could include adequate vitamins and minerals without the need for supplements. Before trying

Warning Signs Of Erectile Dysfunction

Introduction And Causes Of ED Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED or impotence, is the most prevalent sex problem among men, affecting 30 million of them. ED describes the condition as a failure to start and retain a penis erection, especially during sexual nature acts. It is one of the warning signs of erectile dysfunction.  ED is caused by physical and mental conditions. Physical risks involve a high blood sugar level, and mental causes could be anxiety, depression, or relationship conflicts.  Occasionally encountering erections issues is not a total cause for alarm, but when the signs of ED constantly become present, it can cause more complications. It can trigger stress, lower a man’s self-esteem, and cause a disturbance in their relationships. It could also be an indicator of other concealed conditions.   These are the reasons why signs of erectile dysfunction should not be disregarded.  Warning Signs Of ED  One of the first signs is less frequent erections during night time and early mornings, informally known as “morning wood.” Although not linked to aroused sensations, they are caused by the brain’s fewer production of noradrenaline hormones during sleep, hormones that constantly prevent the erection from occurring.  Recurring “wood” is a sign of healthy blood vessels that release blood flow to the penis. It means less frequent erections signify that one’s blood vessels are not working as intended.  High cholesterol and blood pressure are also signs of erectile dysfunction. They impair those blood vessels and lose their elastic nature, which in turn, impede the mentioned blood flow to the organ.  The consumption of medications for high blood pressure and antidepressants can cause the signs of erectile dysfunction. Antidepressants impede norepinephrine, a hormone that triggers aroused sensations to travel to the brain.  Blood pressure medication, while they lower the level of blood pressure, could lessen the blood flow from the arteries of the heart to the penis. It poses difficulty in retaining an erection.  More signs of ED involve a noticeable change in an erection’s occurrence, particularly during sex. Sleep deprivation dramatically lowers testosterone levels and gives one stress or anxiety, which minimizes libido and maximizes the risk to ED.  Medical afflictions, such as kidney diseases, can also cause repercussions to levels of hormones, circulation of blood, and energy. One of the signs of erectile dysfunction is it lowers a man’s enthusiasm towards sex.  While men with kidney afflictions may recoup that enthusiasm through curing the conditions, not all men with problems in that organ will experience signs of erectile dysfunction.  Conclusion When one is already experiencing erectile dysfunction signs, it’s ideal that they undergo a doctor’s consultation.  In some cases, the cure may be a change in the consumption of some prescribed medications, impeding the ability to gain an erection. If it has been discovered that ED is being caused by a concealed condition, a doctor’s diagnosis and treatment may be the cure.  Those could include the measurement of blood pressure, testosterone levels, or cholesterol. Doctors might also offer ED medications such as Cialis, Levitra, or Viagra, when erectile dysfunction signs are present. 

Managing Erectile Dysfunction- The Tips And Tricks

Overview Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to have and keep an erection firm for sexual activity. Men are having a hard time in managing erectile dysfunction, yet there are tips and tricks for the ED condition.  It is normal for men to have erection trouble sometimes. Having this situation isn’t a primary cause of concern as occasional ED is very common, especially during stressful times. However, frequent ED is an issue. Ongoing erectile dysfunction can be a sign of health problems that might need medication or treatment.  A study by Cleveland Clinic in 2019 revealed that 1 in 10 men is thought to have erectile dysfunction at some point in his life. Moreover, according to research by the International Journal of Impotence Research, 322 million men are expected to suffer from erectile dysfunction by 2025.   Men with ED usually suffer from unsatisfactory sex life, anxiety and depression, and low self-esteem. It doesn’t mean the end for men with ED as there may be ways to manage erectile dysfunction.  To find ways to manage erectile dysfunctions, we must first determine the possible causes of erectile dysfunctions.  Causes Erectile dysfunction primarily happens when hampering blood flows to the penis, it would help make it rigid and firm. However, other causes may result in erection trouble.  Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical issues such as clogged blood vessels (also known as atherosclerosis), resulting from vascular diseases, diabetes, or neurological diseases. It may also be caused by prostate-related injuries, surgeries, or treatments.  Erectile dysfunction can also result from untreated medical problems, pornography use, or it can happen as a side effect of a particular medication.  Moreover, what makes managing erectile dysfunction harder is that it may be caused by a combination of physical diseases and psychological symptoms like too much stress and too much tobacco and alcohol intake.  While the cause of ED may be complex, there are a number of tips in managing erectile dysfunction.  Managing Erectile Dysfunction Lose Weight A research made in 2014 by Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski revealed that 79% of men who experience erectile dysfunction are overweight. Moreover, it showed that diabetes and obesity are among the primary causes of the 8 million cases of erectile dysfunction.  Obesity increases the risks for vascular diseases, leading to erectile dysfunction due to obstruction in the blood vessels. Moreover, it can also result in diabetes, which is also one of the major causes of erectile dysfunction.  Losing weight can help in managing erectile dysfunction as it reduces the risks of having clogged blood vessels.  Avoid Smoking According to The Journal of Sexual Medicine, smoking cigarettes and using drugs are common in younger men with ED.  According to WebMD’s article, smokers are about twice as likely to have erectile dysfunction as men who do not smoke as tobacco use can obstruct blood flow to the penile artery.  One way of managing erectile dysfunction is by quitting smoking. Quitting smoking can result in better blood circulation as no tobacco usage can restrict blood circulation to areas of the body, including the penis, which makes it easier to get and keep it firm enough for sex.  Eat Right Managing erectile dysfunction can be as easy as eating healthy foods such as fruits, fish, and vegetables as some foods have shown progress in treating ED.  A review from PubMed Central linked ED and proper diet. The review revealed that men who eat a Mediterranean diet, which suggests consumption of plant-based foods and fish, and avoid high meat intake, are less likely to ED.  Managing erectile dysfunction may also entail avoiding foods that are high in cholesterol. As much as possible, avoid foods made with added sugar and high in trans fat. These may contribute to the obstruction of blood flow in the blood vessels, resulting in a hard time keeping the penis erection firm.  Exercise Regularly As erectile dysfunction is primarily caused by arterial dysfunction, physical activity can help manage erectile dysfunction as exercising aids in blood circulation. One study revealed that a weekly exercise for six months contributes to decreased erection trouble in men with ED.  One type of exercise men can do is aerobic exercises, which should be at least 40 minutes. It can include a series of activities like running, brisk walking, and cycling. These exercises can improve one’s cardiovascular health, which can reduce risk factors associated with ED.   Another type of exercise that helps manage erectile dysfunction are kegel exercises as it helps strengthen the muscles in men’s pelvic floor. Kegel exercises specifically target the bulbocavernosus muscle, which is the muscle responsible for erection as it allows the penis to be filled with blood during an erection.  They help a man’s erection trouble, but Kegel exercises can also help solve common urinary problems.  Manage Pornography Use Sometimes erectile dysfunction can not be caused by biological factors but is rather situational. One of the things to consider when having situational erectile dysfunctions is one’s porn use, as it may set unrealistic expectations for partners during sexual intercourse.  One tip in managing erectile dysfunction is to consider masturbating without the aid of pornographic materials from the Internet.  According to the survey findings presented at the American Urological Association’s meeting, men addicted to porn are more likely to get and have erectile dysfunction. They are less likely to create the same arousal level they achieved when watching pornography via the Internet. Their tolerance in porn is making them less responsive to real-life stimuli.Not all tips work the same for the others. While it is good to know tips in managing erectile dysfunction, it is always better to consult your doctor for better ways of dealing with erection trouble.

Porn And Erectile Dysfunction: The Link Between The Two

Many people ask if porn and erectile dysfunction are linked together nowadays. Let us see if it is true or just a myth.  Erectile dysfunction or ED, in short, is a condition that limits to maintain or get a full erection during sexual intercourse. It can occur occasionally, or sometimes can be a permanent issue.  Many reasons can cause erectile dysfunction; this may be a psychological or physical issue. It may include depression, anxiety, or poor health. Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual conditions most men experience and is very distressing. Porn and ED are linked, especially those groups of people who have qualms about pornography, saying that ED is caused by watching too much porn. Some other studies suggest that pornography might help in erectile dysfunction, especially when ED is due to psychological or relationship concerns. The research and study about porn and erectile dysfunction are often mixed; however, many studies support the connection between porn and ED in a bad or good way.  Many studies suggest that porn leads to erectile dysfunction, while other studies suggest that porn can help people suffering from erectile dysfunction. Porn May Be Related To Bigger Increases In ED Gunter De Win, MD, Ph., and Antwerp University Hospital-UZA performed a study on the association between porn and ED; this study finds that the connection between the two is much stronger. The research team has defined porn addiction by using specific, validated cyberporn addiction scores among their participants, consisting of eleven questions. It was found out that 45 percent of the age group below 35 with a high porn addiction score have erectile dysfunction. Also, men who feel guilty watching porn may develop and struggle with erectile dysfunction because of this guilt. Due to this guilt, a belief that pornography is wrong, especially of the religious or groups of people who have qualms about pornography, may become real. Porn And Erectile Dysfunction In A Good Way Barbara D. Bartlik, MD, psychiatrist, and Weill Cornell Medical College said that pornography could help people get over their sexual anxiety and get past their apprehensions. Watching porn with their partner under agreeable conditions can help improve the intimacy of the couple. Some studies suggest there is a positive association between porn and ED. Pornography can help with ED, especially if erectile dysfunction is because of psychological or relationship issues.  An article was released in 2014, saying that scientific studies and research seldom discuss porn and ED. The link between the two significantly impacts the lucrative industry, even with the lack of scientific evidence to support the link. A study in 2015 in a laboratory setting found that men who have greater sexual responsiveness to their partner are reported to have more time spent viewing pornography. These studies suggest that pornography may help prime and ready the brain and body for sexual intercourse, making men improve their sexual performance with their partner. Conclusion Many studies suggest good and bad links between porn and ED.Some studies and research may suggest that porn can lead to erectile dysfunction while other studies and research publishes that porn can help with erectile dysfunction. It is important to note that the research and studies about the association of porn and ED are very limited and preliminary.

Myth Vs Facts : Does Bicycle Riding Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Introduction Erectile dysfunction is a condition wherein men can’t maintain an erection during sexual intercourse with their partner. However, this kind of condition affects the relationship between partners. When it comes to bicycling myths, nothing comes close to this which causes erectile dysfunction among men, especially to older men, since bicycling is one of the known activities older men like to do as part of their day. But it seems that there is some truth over these myth vs. facts scenario, in which we will look in further detail today. The Facts According to a study done by experts, it seems that there is a valid fact that will put a huge dent to the myth vs. facts debate over this matter, as they have found out that bike riding in certain scenarios can severely damage the nerves and ultimately compress the penis’ arteries that can result into erectile dysfunction in the end. The people who ride their bikes usually for more than 3 hours a day are at risk of having this dysfunction on their male genitals. What Causes This? Another fact bomb that destroys the myth status of these popular myth vs. facts debate is that the bike’s seat design may cause the said disease, as the perineum is constantly under pressure, which is the area between the genitals and the anus. Having this kind of pressure can damage the nerves located in the penis, which results in slow blood flow that further results in a tingling sensation or numbness, which will eventually lead to erectile dysfunction (ED). However, There Is A Catch! You might be on board now on the facts side of the myths vs. facts debacle, but hold your horses as there is another study done that will change your mind about bicycling being a serious problem as a source of ED or even infertility on men. Another study has been done regarding this to confirm that the act of cycling itself doesn’t pose a major threat for men having ED or infertility, but instead on the designs of the parts of the bicycle that one is using for their bicycling activity. Listed below are those said designs of the bike that may cause ED: Saddle Shape – having an improper seat design can damage the penis, leading to ED. One should get a properly-shaped and wide enough seat that is comfortable to avoid this issue. Handlebar Height – making sure that this part of the bike design’s height is in a parallel height or lower than the saddle to avoid having damages to the penis while using the bike itself. Bike Type – having the proper bike design for you is essential in keeping your penis away from being in a tight spot while cycling, in order to avoid damage during the said activity. Having a laid-back reclining position design over the traditional upright bike design is better in this case. Conclusion The issue between the battle of the myth vs. facts seems to result in a draw, as both sides of the debate have reasonable backing. 

Supplements For Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or ED, also known as impotence, is when a man cannot achieve or maintain an erection during intercourse. This condition is not uncommon to men. Many have experienced it during a time of stress. It can be considered as a concern if satisfaction from sexual performance has been made impossible for several times. Most men who experience this may be hesitant to see a doctor, which can be an embarrassing issue. Here are the dietary supplements for erectile dysfunction.  Causes Erectile dysfunction may be caused by different health problems such as complications with the blood flow, nerve supply, and hormones. Naturally, men above the age of 50 can have some problems with erection. Some physical risk factors include diabetes or high blood sugar, cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol, smoking, drug abuse, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, and lack of exercise. However, there are also emotional factors that can influence impotence. These factors are depression, anxiety, relational problems, stress, and guilt caused by sex performance. In short, erection problems are typically caused by stress, weariness, anxiety, or too much alcohol intake. If it often occurs, physical or emotional problems may have caused it, and professional help must be sought after. Symptoms Symptoms of erectile dysfunction may include having a hard time getting and maintaining an erection and decreasing desire for sex. Supplements For Erectile Dysfunction Standard treatments for erectile dysfunction include medications, and many people prefer natural options, which can be in the form of dietary supplements. Some dietary supplements for erectile dysfunction are: Panax ginseng Also known as the herbal Viagra, Panax ginseng has been research-approved since 2008, where it was found out that there was a signifying proof for its effectiveness in treating erectile dysfunction. This herb is known to possess anti-inflammatory components and improves lung function and blood flow, which may reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. However, side effects may include insomnia, headaches, and vertigo, but overall, its usage appears to be safe when consumed on a short-term basis. Dehydroepiandrosterone Supplements DHEA or dehydroepiandrosterone is a hormone in the body that is produced by the adrenal glands. It can be processed into either estrogen or testosterone. DHEA supplements are dietary supplements for erectile dysfunction that are made from wild yam or soy. Certain pieces of evidence show that it increases libido in women and aids in treating erectile dysfunction in men. Rhodiola Rosea In a particular research, 26 out of 35 men who were given 150 to 200 mg of Rhodiola Rosea every day for three months experienced considerably improved sexual performance. This herb is also known to increase energy and reduce fatigue. L-arginine Research shows that taking relatively high doses of L-arginine helps improve erectile dysfunction by encouraging blood vessels to open wider to improve the body’s blood flow. However, certain side effects may take place like nausea, cramps, and diarrhea, so it is best not to take this herb together with viagra. Acupuncture A research conducted in 1999 explained that acupuncture improved the quality of erections among men participants and restored sexual activity of 39% of the participants.  Another study in 2003 suggested that 21% of patients with erectile dysfunction who underwent acupuncture had improved erections.  Although this may impose minimal risks, they may be reduced if performed by a licensed acupuncturist. Sildenafil This supplement for erectile dysfunction is prescribed to increase the blood flow to the penis during sexual stimulation, which may then cause an erection. Propionyl-L-carnitine Research shows that this supplement, when combined with Viagra, might produce better results for erectile function than sildenafil alone. Its usage is typically safe when used under medical supervision. Zinc Supplements Erectile dysfunction has been identified as a symptom of the body’s deficiency in zinc, decreasing the male body’s ability to produce testosterone. 11 milligrams of zinc every day is known to be an ideal amount for an adult male to consume, while women are advised to limit zinc consumption to 8 mg-a-day. Ashwagandha This supplement for erectile dysfunction is an evergreen shrub that grows in the Middle East, parts of Africa, and India, which has become a typical form of treatment for sexual drive loss. It has been proven to increase the levels of testosterone in men significantly. Research in 2013 even showed that ashwagandha had enlivened the testosterone level of infantile men as well. Aside from that, this shrub is also known to decrease stress levels by constraining cortisol growth, which helps keep the testosterone levels ideal for sexual functioning. Yohimbe This supplement for erectile dysfunction is derived from the bark of an African tree called the Yohimbe. Although some researchers have suggested that it has shown helpful effects on sexual performance, the American Urological Association does not entirely recommend this supplement for erectile dysfunction treatment because of its side effects’ possible damage to health. Such side effects include increased blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and anxiety. Conclusion After all, upon recognizing the symptoms of ED, it is important to first consult a doctor before resorting to the usage of dietary supplements for erectile dysfunction because this complication might only be a sign of other health symptoms. Treatments for erection problems vary depending on the cause, and using dietary supplements for erectile dysfunction treatment might only be a secondary option for a certain instance. Yes, supplements for erectile dysfunction are way more popular and are usually cheaper than prescription drugs. However, what professionals have proven and recommended is still the best choice in treating such sensitive health problems.

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